Custom Remodeling

8 Modern Bathroom Ideas to Add Style and Value to Your Home

When decorating a home, many people focus on public rooms, such as the living room or dining room. They believe that since guests see these areas the most, it makes sense to go all out with these areas.

But what about adding special touches to a room everyone visits, even if only for a few brief minutes? That’s right, we’re talking about the bathroom!

If you want to decorate your bathroom but aren’t sure how, check out these eight modern bathroom ideas. They offer a fun and creative change of pace for the room everyone spends time in, even if they don’t talk about it.

1. Try a Dark Interior for a Change of Pace

Most bathrooms feature light colors like white, light blue, and other pastel shades. That’s because light colors open up a small space.

It’s something you’ve come to expect when redoing a bathroom. If you’re ready for a change and want to follow the newest bathroom trends, try redesigning your room with dark colors.

The key to using darker colors is smaller amounts and not the whole room. Paint one side of the wall or use darker colors to accent, and you’ll avoid this problem.

2. Enjoy the Ease of a Digital Shower

As we move into a digital era, every room gets an upgrade to look and function better than before. Showers are no stranger to bathroom trends, and many people enjoy the appeal behind digital showers.

Thanks to digital showers, you can control the temperature and water flow with the touch of a button. If you weren’t sure about making this upgrade, try it out, and see how addicting it is to have convenience in the bathroom.

3. Choose Tiles With Patterns for Modern Bathroom Ideas

If you’ve thought about adding tile to your bathroom or changing your tiles out, this is an easy change to make that brightens it up and gives it a modern look. You can choose tiles that have a pattern, or just go for colored tiles that break up the monotony.

Custom bathroom remodeling ideas don’t have to look extreme or fit into a price range you can’t afford. Sometimes it’s as simple as sprucing up the wall and giving it a break from the traditional subway look most bathrooms have.

4. Adding Unique Fixtures for Sinks and Tubs

The fixtures on your tub and sink have a purpose, but they don’t have to act purely functional Once you know the color scheme for your bathroom, you can pick accented fixtures for your tub and sink to make your bathroom pop and give it additional color.

If you don’t want to limit yourself to sinks and tubs, consider adding color to your toilet, too. Today’s modern bathroom designs come in a variety of rainbow colors, and you’re likely to find just the right shade that fits in with your scheme.

5. Put Plants in to Add a Soft Touch

Don’t underestimate little touches when it comes to decorating your bathroom and making it feel personal. Adding plants is a fun way to give your bathroom color and a relaxing feeling.

Choosing plants such as ferns or a spider plant work best for bathrooms. They’re non-toxic for children and pets and generally require little care to thrive.

Consider getting a stand for your plant rather than hanging them. It gives the bathroom a spa feel with little effort or planning.

If you’re not sure about adding plants to the mix, there’s still a variety of ways to remodel your bathroom efficiently without spending a lot of money in the process.

6. Put Storage Items on Display

If you have a lot of towels, washcloths and other linens for your bathroom, perhaps you feel it’s best to hide them away where no one can see them. Rather than force linens into a closet where they don’t fit, consider getting storage space over your toilet or in an unused corner of the bathroom and keeping everything there.

This makes it easy to change items out as needed and allows you guests quick and easy access. You can add decorative items to the shelf along with your linens, such as bath salts, bubble bath, and even a clock or seashell.

Combining functionality and design together makes for a modern and accessible bathroom, making your life simplified.

7. More Than One Mirror

It’s standard in every bathroom to have at least one mirror. A quick once over before you leave is something everyone appreciates.

Why not take it a step further and add in two or more mirrors for a look that’s modern and functional?

If you have the wall space, consider adding one or two extra mirrors that match your current mirror. Or, put in a head-to-foot length mirror to get a glimpse of your full body.

Adding extra mirrors can set your bathroom apart and make it easy to get ready.

8. Make Your Bathroom Smart with the Help of Technology

Smart technology has infiltrated our offices and living rooms, so it makes sense it would cross over to the bathroom. Besides having a digital shower, you can enjoy other smart features in your bathroom such as:

  • Toilets with senors
  • Toilets that offer self-cleaning
  • Mirrors that have speakers

With features like these, you’re sure to impress guests and make getting ready in the morning a snap. If you want to make only a few adjustments but ensure they’re worth the money spent, consider having a smart bathroom for a completely modern look.

Learn More

If you’re looking for modern bathroom ideas, you know where to start and what can help your bathroom stay ahead in design and functionality. Even if you only make one or two changes, it can help your bathroom feel like a pleasant place to relax in.

If you need help modernizing your bathroom, we’re here for you. Contact us and see how we can help you transform any bathroom with features that work for your lifestyle.

Higgason Homes

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